Tire Pressure Recommendations for Bicycle Beginners

by LongAbigail on Mar 27, 2023

Tire Pressure Recommendations for Bicycle Beginners

Before you hop into your bike for a ride, you should inflate to maximum pressure. The right pressure will let your bike roll smoothly. If you don't inflate the tires, you'll see a serious drop in comfort. You will also experience a host of problems like difficulty braking, and the tires will wear down faster. Here is everything you should know about psi for bike tires.

The Basics of Bike Tire PSI

To find the ideal pressure of your bike, you should consider the factors for the type of bike and the body weight. This brings us to the question, what psi for bike tires is the best? If you're a 200-pound rider, the tire pressure should be around 120 PSI. If you're a 165-pound rider, your road bike should have 100 PSI. For any doubts, you can check what the manufacturer recommends on the sidewall.

The ideal tire pressure must align with the intended use. On average, mountain tires need 25-50 PSI, while road tires need 80-120 PSI. These ranges are a good starting point for conservative riders. Here is a breakdown of tire type and recommended tire PSI.

  • Road bike - 90 PSI
  • Mountain bike - 25 PSI
  • Gravel bike - 40 PSI
  • Triathlon Bike - 100 PSI

These suggestions are based on the riding terrain and the size of the rider. You must consider the variables to help you decide whether to add more air or take a little out.

A pressure gauge can help you set up the tire pressure. But there are some instances the pressure can be inaccurate. To ensure there are no doubts, simply go to the local shop and use an accurate air pressure gauge.

Different Per Square Inch (PSI) for Bike Tire Pressure Explained

PSI for kids bike tires

The recommended PSI for kid bikes is 20 to 40 PSI. For novice riders, you should focus on a lower PSI. While you can inflate the tires and forget, they can slowly lose pressure over time. You should check the pressure every two weeks and top it up if it's close to the lower limit. Never overinflate the tires to avoid uncomfortable rides for your kids.

PSI for road bike tires

Road bikes require 80-130 PSI. Since tire pressure has an impact on performance, it's a matter of rolling resistance and comfort. Most road tires are 23-25 widths, so they should be filled with low pressure. To measure the tire compression, you should place the bike on a smooth surface and measure the distance between the rim and the floor. If it is too low, you can inflate the tires.

PSI for mountain bike tires

Mountain bikes require 25 to 35 PSI. However, such bikes require more pressure on the rear wheel than the front. The exact number will depend on the terrain and weather conditions. There's also some degree of personal preference.

You should go for a lower pressure on a smooth surface and high pressure on rough surfaces.

Things to Consider When Adding Air Pressure to Your Ebike Tire

Whether you're looking for a commuter bike or a leisurely ride, an electric bike can be a worthwhile investment. One thing to keep in mind is the tire pressure. Here are a few things to consider when adding pressure to your Ebike.

Terrain/ road condition

If you'll be riding your Ebike on a flat surface, you need lower tire pressure. For rough terrain, low pressure will avoid hand fatigue. If the tire pressure is too low, it can cause punctures when riding off-road.

Lower pressures make the tires get into contact with the surface, while high pressure provides a pleasant ride.


Since e-bike tires compress the air from inside, more pressure is needed to counter the effects of compression. If you're a petite rider, you need lower pressure compared to a heavy rider. Regardless of the tires you use, you should be careful never to put too much pressure.

Tire volume and rims

Mountain bike rims tend to be wider, they grip the road better. As the tire pressure increases, you need low air to get the same feel. If you're not sure of the perfect PSI levels, you should experiment with different pressures. For instance, you can go for a ride to understand how your e-bike feels.


If you ride your e-bike in rainy conditions, you need less pressure to improve traction.

Tubeless bike tires

With tubeless tires, you don't have to worry about pinch-flatting your tire.

You should never overinflate the tires. The maximum pressure is on the sidewall of the tires, but many variables can affect the pressure. More tips about how to repair your bike tires.

FAQs for Ebike Tire Pressure

Can you check the tire pressure without a gauge?

If you don't have a pressure gauge, you should press the tire between your thumb and index finger. If it feels firm, then the pressure is too high. Likewise, if the pressure is too low, you should fill up the tires. Another strategy is using the puddles. You should ride the bike through a puddle and then on dry land. If there's a long water trail, you should inflate the tires.

Why should you check the tire pressure of your bike?

Whether you have a road or a mountain bike, you should check the tire pressure. Many things can affect the gradual tire shifts like the weight of the rider and how long you ride. In cold weather, you have to fill in the tires often.

Is 45PSI too high?

A 45 psi is considered too high for an e-bike. Too much pressure will not only compromise handling but also cause wear. Your bike comes with a PSI recommendation, and that is what you should follow.

What should the pressure be on a hot afternoon?

If you want to ride your bike in the afternoon, you should set the PSI level four units above the recommended level.

Final thoughts

It's pretty common that we inflate the front and rear tires the same. So what psi for bike tires is ideal? It depends on the tire choice and riding style. Because there is no one-size-fits-all rule, you should keep the tires pressurized within the recommended range. Most importantly, you should consider factors like the terrain and temperature. If the tire feels squirmy, you can add more psi back in. If the pressure is too high, don't be afraid to drop a little more.